Saturday, August 6, 2011

Diaper Cake mania

If your a Mother who has just recently had a baby shower in the past 5 years the chances of you having a diaper cake making an appearance on  you big day were pretty high. They are a very simple gift to gife a mother-to-be, the possibilities are endless when it comes to  making your cake! Most of the time people use water bottles or the tube to paper towels. I like to put a bottle of  bubbly in the middle for mom in dad to celebrate changing a child's diaper 100 times! However for the mom's and dad's that dont drink I put a few bottles of bath needs inside. here is a exsample of a daiper cake I made for  a babyshower. Just to make it a little more personal.In this cake (showen bellow) I filled the middle with
1. Bottle of baby shampoo
1. Bottle of baby powder
1.Bottle of baby body wash
1. Bottle cleaner brush
1. small package of travel whipes
Now i made a 4 tier cake to fit everything I got. Its about 170 diapers in sizes 1 and 1-2. I use a mix of pampers and huggies since the Mother to be didnt show her perfence of diapers on her registy list.
The first  is  
You must find a piece of cardboard to decorate or some type of platter to use for the base. After doing this, start rolling newborn diapers and placing a rubber band around them. Place them in a circular form to make the bottom tier or base of the diaper cake. Once you have done enough secure them altogether with ribbon or string which ever you prefer. However, make sure the bottom tier is strong enough because it will hold the other tiers. begin the next tier up doing the same thing rolling diapers and placing rubber bands around them. The diaper cake at this point might look a bit plain and yet, you will get to the decorating portion of the diaper cake after you have finished the tiers. This should be considered as well, how many tiers you want the baby diaper cake to be. Keep rolling diapers and placing them where you want them until it looks like the baby diaper cake you will want.Once you have the main part of the diaper cake complete then it gets really easy to make a diaper cake. It is actually fun and you have the ability to create your baby diaper cake in any way you want to. Many people go with a yellow theme for a baby diaper cake when they aren’t sure what the gender of the baby is going to be. You can decorate the baby diaper cake and actually hide the diapers using ribbon, flowers, or any other decoration you would want.
Mine was for a boy so  I went a Blue and Brown theme
 as for the decorations i used
Boo Boo ice pack
Daiper trash bags
It's a boy pin
The cake toppers where
Stuff Bear
A Her Invite in a picture fram
Around the Tiers i use it's a boy ribbon and some gift bows

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